This website is dedicated to those who have been catastrophically injured or killed abroad by the negligence of American contractors and companies. That you have found this website indicates you have already suffered a tragedy. We work tirelessly to right the wrongs of preventable tragedies.

Every day, thousands of American companies are working abroad — implementing foreign aid, carrying out defense contracts and other government contracts, and operating in foreign countries. Just because such an injury happens in a foreign country does not mean that you have no rights. Every American company submits to jurisdiction in the location of its headquarters. Not every injury abroad is eligible to be litigated in American courts. But, for those cases where jurisdiction can be had in the United States, the advantages in seeking justice and monetary compensation can be enormous.

Please take time to explore some of the legal issues on this site, and contact Mr. Posey for a free consultation about your injuries and your rights.

Posey LLC is dedicated to using technology to make the practice of law more efficient and cost-effective for clients.  We will communicate with you in whatever way you prefer and suits the needs of the case:

Posey LLC
1629 K Street NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006

Phone:  +1-202-643-2525
Skype:  ryanposey
Google Hangouts:  RyanPoseyEsq